LMS Family Guidelines

LMS Family Guidelines


In order to have a complete understanding on how your kingdom functions, the basis is the Rules of Engagement (ROE). Please use the URLs below to visit often to ensure you are following the rules. If there are things you are uncertain about, or have questions, ask in “Clan Chat” or “LMS Family Chat”.

Our clan website: https://lmsclans.net – Each member clan has their own page there, as well! You can also find a number of guides there, as well as general information about our clan family.

The rules can be found here: https://www.lmsclans.net/kingdom-89-roe/

The list of Outlaw players and Clans can be found here: https://bit.ly/41M5W3D

The compensation calculator for lost troops can be found here: https://bit.ly/3EWUatB

The game Code of Conduct can be found here: https://bit.ly/3A2aENN

Academy Valor/Conquest  Points cost calculator: https://bit.ly/3dEwHCs

Forge materials information: https://bit.ly/3TEHRqb

CP Exchange: https://bit.ly/VGDCPRunInfo

Building costs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EYodnWKboKEJBrmgDFgOWPGUaiUz-Hy-aGsZLi-yJ6w/edit#g

Helping the Clan Grow

  1. Donating resources. Most of our clans are in need of resources in their clan buildings! LMS Main and Reforged are both fully upgraded, and no longer require donations.In our other clans, use caravans to transport Wood/Iron/Stone/Food/Silver to the Clan Wood Harvester/Clan Foundry/Clan Masons/Clan Temple/Clan University. See your clan guidelines for the required amounts! Tip: Send Captains to mine any computer-generated resource near you when you go offline. All resources in the Clan territory are protected, so you get resources, your Captains are kept busy, and you can donate excess to the Clan to grow. It is very easy to donate 350k/day if your Captains are always busy.
  2. Help. In Clan Information, when a Clan member is looking for help to speed up Construction/Crafting/Training/Research, The more everyone helps, the larger our Clan territory becomes.
  3. Gifts. In Clan Information, please claim these Gifts in a timely fashion and do not let them expire. These gifts count towards our Clan wealth, and the more wealthy we are, the more Wealth Chests we can claim.
  4. The Great Hunt. For those Family clans participating in this event, the Clan goal is to finish in the top 100 Clans during The Great Hunt (TGH) event, so they can all reap Clan rewards. The event gives you the monsters that have a contract, and the Clan gets points when you kill that monster. Each day, you will have a Daily Quest that has either 3 or 5 monsters, and others in Triumphal Challenge missions. If you take out those 3 or 5 monsters from TGH, you will have completed your quest and helped the Clan. Not sure how to participate? Here is a short video: https://youtu.be/pkAa8exZjVI.
  5. The Ancients. Mandatory participation in this event is an important part of being in our clans, and there many ways to participate:
    1. Complete your Daily Quests to Reveal your Vault. Even lower-might groups of players can easily take down vaults of level 21 or below. Bigger players, try not to exceed 24 unless you will be online to raid it. EVERYONE is expected to do this.
    2. Start or participate in Raids on the vaults. This is not mandatory but highly encouraged, and it is a lot of fun. Points earned are allocated in the following areas, per your clan’s guidelines:
      1. Time – This governs how long the Ancient is summoned for.
      2. Summons – This governs how many times the Ancient can be summoned.
      3. Bonus – This governs what the clan’s bonus will be on each attack.
    3. Summoning of the Ancients are scheduled at various times for various clans, depending on a number of factors. Please check your clan’s announcements to make sure you’re on for at least one of them. This is an excellent way to level up captains and earn VPs. Your window of opportunity is small, so be prepared! Enabling VIP, and the XP, VP, Strength and Health bonuses are recommended, as with any Epic monster event.

Helping Each Other Grow and Learn

  1. Sharing resource locations. If you are looking for a particular resource and stumble upon something valuable but not of immediate need, post this on Clan Chat for someone to take advantage of. Others will do that for you as well.
  2. Unfinished resource locations. Sometimes we cannot finish a crypt (always start a crypt with the intent of clearing it for the Clan gift), or we find an Arena being hit by other Clans that is close to being completed (again, so we can get the Clan gift). Post the location in Clan Chat so someone can clear that for the Clan chest we all get to share.
  3. Learn to distinguish computer generated versus player generated resources. See this chat ”Clan LMS RSS Guide”
  4. Poachers. A poacher is someone NOT in an LMS Clan harvesting our resources in our Clan territory. Report poachers even if you are going to handle them yourself. We need to be aware of the ROE and not pick on new players who do not have a clue. Try to communicate with the poacher to educate them so they vacate the resource. Otherwise evict them by force, block their march on a resource so they have to attack you, or attack their City. If the poacher is too mighty for you, someone in Clan Chat can assist. If too mighty for your own clan to evict, post in our global chat for the big guns.
  5. Ingots. These gold ingots produced in your city’s Capitol are useless to you as a player, but are valuable to the King and the King’s court in distributing kingdom-wide bonuses, and for other kingdom players who take them back to their kingdom to give to their king. At least once a day, pay 100% of your taxes in ingots in the Capitol. Do not allow these to amass, as you become a target for players from other kingdoms, or from your kingdom’s “tax collectors”. See ROE 2.7.
  6. Mercenary Exchange (MX). If you find an MX in your own kingdom, it is useless for you. Please post the coordinates in our global chat so other kingdoms can purchase mercs. Please look here for similar postings off your kingdom for you to buy mercs.

What to do when attacked

Accidents can happen. Even though we have many LMS Clans, there have been friendly fire attacks (sometimes on purpose to exchange Conquest Points) from time to time. Sometimes 2 players march on the same resource at the same time. First one there claims it, the second one attacks the first.


If you have been attacked, and not sure why (you were not poaching on other Clan land, for instance), here is a recommended process to follow:

  1. Message the attacker. It may have been an accident. If they are a member of a human Clan, message the Clan leader or diplomat. Make sure you keep Battle Reports as proof of the attack and the losses. Once you understand why, you can seek compensation.
  2. There is a compensation calculator for lost troops. Once you have calculated the compensation, let the player and leader/diplomat know. Sometimes the leader will pay the compensation directly, since the attacker may not have Caravan yet, or may take hours to Caravan resources to you.
  3. If there is no timely response, you can notify our Clan diplomat of the ROE violation. Eventually, the violation may  need to follow the ROE process and the attacker may have to be declared an outlaw.

Helpful chats

Most of these chat rooms are duplicated in the ROE. To access, click the green button “Find Chat”, and enter exactly as below. All are case sensitive.

  1. K89 ROE Read Only (do not write here, only the court posts the official ROE)
  2. K89 ROE Chat (this is where you can chat about the ROE)
  3. K89 Decrees Only (see ROE 5.1)
  4. K89 Violation Reports (see ROE 4.2)
  5. K89 Violation Chat (to discuss the details of a violation of the ROE)
  6. K89 Gold Reg Only (see ROE 2.5)
  7. K89 Tar Reg Only (see ROE 2.5)
  8. K89 Defence (see ROE 3.1 and 3.2)
  9. K83 Hostile WW (see roe 3.7)
  10. K89 Diplomacy Chat (used by Clan Diplomats and Leaders see ROE 4.2)
  11. K89 Clan Capitals
  12. Exchange (chat for Mercenary Exchange from other kingdoms)

Sister Clans/Allies/Non-Aggression Pacts (NAP)

Sisters: [LMS] Last Man Standing – the main Clan (K89)
[LMS] Reforged (K89)

[LMS] Halfway House (K89)


[LMS] McFee (K89)

[LMS] Camelot (K83)

[LMS] Locally Made Smore – formerly [FCF] Funks Cookie Factory (K83)

[LMS] Last Man Standing (K90)


[IMW] WarHogz (was WHZ) (K83)

[vVv] all family clans (K86, K89)

[def] all family clans (K84, K89)

[CSK] Československo (K83)

[UFC] (K89)

[Woc] (K89)

[BIA] (K62)

[ELF] (K62)


K76 [IOC], [KWH]
K84 [TWF]

K86 [TWF]

K88 [BWP], [UFC] Dynasty, [UFC] Dire wolves

K89 [IOC], [UFC]

K90 [IOC]