Quick Information
Last Man Standing is comprised of 16 clans in 6 Kingdoms! GEE German Eagle on K74; Camelot in K83; The White Falcons in K86; our member clan on K90, renamed to Last Man Standing upon adoption of our tags; Locally Made Smore and Local Mexican Salsa on K106; Our flagship clan, Last Man Standing, in K115 along with Reforged, McFee, Novus Dies, Midnight Sun, Halfway House, The North, Wild Brave Rebels 1, EW, and ZoSo.
We are global allies of 5 clans; def, vVv, DoH, KEY, and AGW.
Our Clans come in quite a variety, and all have distinct internal cultures. What we all share, however, is that we walk on the Dark Side.
Want to join? Contact us in-game or on Discord to find the clan that’s right for you.