A clan march is defined as any player attacking another K115 player with reinforcements. Clan marches against portals from other kingdoms, or cities in other kingdoms are permitted.
* Pre-arranged Conquest Point (CP) Runs and Exchanges are permitted, and in fact encouraged, provided proof of prior arrangement can be provided.
* Clan marches against outlaws are acceptable at any time.
2.2 All resources, including gold, tar, silver, food, wood, stone and iron in any form, and portals inside a clan territory belong to that clan and are protected. Crypts, arenas, citadels and monsters are no resource, and so are not protected and open to everyone.
2.3 CLAN BUILDINGS ARE NOT TO BE ATTACKED AT ANY TIME. Attacks on clan buildings, including forts, will be subject to the following penalties, payable to the attacked clan (a battle report must be provided, the offender pays the taxes):
Scouting – 1m silver
Attack without destroying – 10m silver
Attacking and destroying – 10m each of silver, iron, wood, stone.
Repeat offences will be subject to outlawing.
Attacks on clan buildings in other Kingdoms are only allowed in retaliation on ours (a Battle Report must be provided), or with the express permission of the Royal Court.
2.4 Resource tiles that are outside of clan territories are owned by the first to get here, and they cannot be kicked off. If you leave that tile, then it is open for others to take.
2.4.1 RSS built by a player belongs exclusively to that player, regardless if within clan territory our outside Examples of RSS built by players include all gold mines;RSS with over one (1) million silver; RSS with
over two (2) million lumber, stone, or iron; and RSS level 30 and above. All wrongly occupied RSS may be vacated by the owner, including by force
2.4.2 Resource tiles that are outside of clan territories and do not meet above conditions, are owned by the first one to start going there, and they cannot be kicked off. lf you leave that tile, then it is open for others to take.
2.5 Dragon Mounds (DM) and Wellspring Ruins (WS), outside of clan territories, MUST be registered at ‘K115 Gold Reg Only ’ OR ‘115 Tar Reg Only’ chats respectively. Registrations must be posted using the format: the last 2 digits of their x and y axis. Example: a DM or WS at K:115 X:404 Y:784 would be registered as 04,84. This is to prevent other kingdoms using registrations as a ‘shopping list’. The first registered player has 15 minutes to occupy them, or the claim is null and void. You MUST be in a Man-made clan to mine, and only 1 of each DM/WS per 24 hrs. You must have a hero under level 65 to mine a level 5, or a hero of level 65 or greater to mine a level 10. A Clan DM or WS that is sitting just inside of a Clans border may be registered; if the border moves, it still belongs to that clan.
2.6 All wrongly occupied DM or WS may be vacated by any player, including by force; the costs for this are to be borne by the player who was vacated. This applies to unregistered, incorrectly registered as well as players exceeding or falling below the required level for the resource. The clan leaders are held responsible for ensuring that all players in their clan know and follow the rules.
2.7 Any player city level 29 or under, found with more than 25,000 (25k) ingots, or city level 30 or over, found with more than 40,000 (40k) ingots, may be attacked by anyone, without warning, to collect said taxes. Tax collecting may take place through portals, including those for events or inside clan territories. Those collecting taxes need to provide a battle report showing that the offender met the ingot requirement or the attack will be considered illegal.